Special moments arise in the town of Liska, one of the holiest sites worldwide, where the heartfelt prayers at the grave of the great tzadik, Rebbe Hershele Lisker zt"l, resonate with blessings.

Special moments from one of the holiest places in the world, the town of Liska, where the deep and blessing-filled prayers recited at the grave of the great tzadik, Rebbe Hershele Lisker zt"l (??? ??????? ?????? ????), resonate.The prayer calls for restoration for the sick, financial blessings for the impoverished, and peace and health for the peop

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Special moments arise in the town of Liska, one of the holiest sites worldwide, where the heartfelt prayers at the grave of the great tzadik, Rebbe Hershele Lisker zt"l, resonate with blessings.

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Liska Shomers

Liska ShomersIn the silence of Liska's Jewish cemetery, a man, baring his heart and soul, immerses himself in prayer at the grave of Hershel Lisker - Tzvi Hersh Friedman. From the depths of his sincere devotion, he prays for the miracle of love, hope, and healing to be bestowed upon the entire community.With a dignified bow in front of the old tom

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Liska Shomer

Liska Shomer, a haszid közösség kiemelked? vezet?je, jelent?s hatást gyakorolt a zsidó vallási életre és a tradicionális értékekre. A haszidizmus történetében jelent?s fejezetekben gyakran szerepel a neve, és munkássága sok generáció számára inspiráló példaként áll. Shomer, akit a haszid közösségben nagy megbecsülés

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